When to Leave a Job Interview in Dubai Without Waiting for It to Be Over

Muhammad Nabeel
8 Min Read

You can leave an interview in Dubai (as in any other place) in several cases, if it is really necessary. Here are some situations when it is better to refuse an interview:

  • Unprofessional behavior on the part of the employer. If the interview is being conducted insensitively, or if you are being pressured or asked inappropriate questions, it is best to start the interview politely. Job Interview in Dubai: “Thank you for the opportunity, but, unfortunately, I cannot continue the interview under these conditions. Good luck finding the right candidate.\” But in order not to avoid unpleasant situations, you should carefully look for employers; to do this, use trusted job search sites, such as Laybord. 
  • The proposed position does not meet your expectations. If at the beginning of the interview it becomes clear that the vacancy does not meet your requirements or the working conditions differ significantly from the promises, you can politely explain the situation and leave. Wording: “I’m sorry, but it appears my skills and experience are not perfectly aligned the requirements of this position. Thank you for your time.\”
  • Unexpected change in working conditions. During the interview, it is assessed that the working conditions, such as salary, schedule or location, are very different from what was stated in the advertisement. Wording: “Sorry, but the conditions you described do not meet my expectations. I appreciate the invitation and your valuable time \” If you want to build as a carpenter with good conditions, use https://layboard.in/vacancies/jobs-in-uae/jobs-in-dubai/speciality/carpenter, where the best offers in this direction are collected.
  • Ethical or moral disagreements. The employer offers tasks or conditions that conflict with your personal or professional principles. Wording: “Thank you for the opportunity, but unfortunately I cannot continue with the interview because my values ​​and principles do not align with what is required for this video.”
  • Job Interview in Dubai questions or behavior. The interviewer asks incorrect or criminal questions related to your personal discrimination, religion, nationality, etc. Wording: “Sorry, but I believe that some of the questions I was asked were inappropriate for a professional interview. Thus, I feel compelled to proceed with the meeting. ” Safety concerns: If you feel safe (physically or emotionally), you should not continue with the interview.
  • The need for urgent care due to personal circumstances. Personal circumstances have arisen that require immediate medical attention (for example, a family emergency). Wording: “I apologize, I am dealing with a personal emergency and must depart. Thank you for your understanding.\”

In any case, it is better to behave politely and correctly, to preserve the relationship and avoid any negative impact on yourself.

How should you behave during an interview in Dubai?

When interviewing in Dubai, it is important to take into account some of the cultural and business characteristics of the region. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Clothing and appearance. Dress conservatively and professionally. Men typically wear a suit and tie, women might opt for a dress, suit, or skirt with a blouse. Avoid excessive use of perfume and accessories.
  2. Punctuality. Be on time for your interview. Punctuality is highly valued.
  3. Greetings. Start with a formal greeting, shaking hands and exchanging business cards as the situation warrants. Be respectful of ranks and titles. For example, use \”Mr.\”, \”Mrs.\”, or \”Ms.\” before the name.
  4. Behavior. Show politeness and respect to the person you are speaking with. Avoid familiarity. Maintain eye contact, but not too intensely so as to cause discomfort.
  5. Discussion of personal life. At first, endeavor to steer clear of personal subjects, avoid discussing sensitive topics such as religion or politics unless specifically prompted to do so. Be prepared to briefly introduce yourself, but focus on your professional experience and qualifications.
  6. Communication. Speak clearly and confidently. If necessary, ask again to clarify questions. Avoid jargon and complex terms unless you are sure the person you are talking to understands them.
  7. Questions and answers. Prior to the interview, prepare questions regarding the company and the role. This will show that you are interested and prepared. Answer questions clearly and to the point, without going off to one side.
  8. End of the meeting. Job Interview in Dubai up the interview by thanking them for their time and the chance to have met with them. Ask about next steps in the hiring process.
  9. Cultural characteristics. Respect local traditions and customs. Dubai is a mix of cultures, but it\’s always a good idea to respect local norms.

By following these guidelines, you have the opportunity to create a positive impression during an interview in Dubai.

How to go to work in the UAE

The process of moving and getting a job in the United Arab Emirates for foreigners consists of the following stages:

  • Sending your resume and undergoing an interview. The applicant can find a vacancy on his own, through a recruitment agency or a local employment center. If the submitted resume is of interest to the employer, an interview is conducted – face-to-face (the applicant comes to the UAE) or remotely (via video link).
  • Signing of the preliminary contract. The employer must obtain a visa quota from the Ministry of Labor and send the employee a contract for signature. It must indicate the position, place of work, date of conclusion and validity period. After signing the contract, the employee returns the document to the employer.
  • Obtaining a work permit. Issuing a work permit is the responsibility of the employer. A scan of the document is sent to the employee, after which he can cross the UAE border. If the applicant was in Dubai when the permit was ready, he can apply to change his status.
  • Registration of a resident visa.Upon arrival in the country, a foreign worker must undergo a medical examination, submit biometric data, receive a labor card and a resident visa.

Don\’t forget that confidence in your abilities and knowing your value in the job market is key. Good luck in your endeavors and Dubai may present many new opportunities for you!

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